Saturday, October 11, 2008

Commencement Address ...

Here are couple of commencement address I like.

Stanford University 2005
Steve Jobs made this commencement address and rightly called it "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"

Harvard 2008
J K Rowling delivered on "The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination"

Both Jobs and Rowling share their experience in life in their addresses. They have different stories to tell but the message is more or less similar. Its all about perspectives, the way we want to see things, what lens we want to see them in.

How do Great people happen, r they born with greatness or is it impossed on them or is it how they react/respond to the circumstances that make them great (in the end)!!!

Read them to get your own meaning or perspective!

Sparks !

One of my colleague at office forwarded me Chetan Bhagat's "Keep the Spark" Speech, the inaugural speech made by him to the new class of Symbiosis.

I am neither a fan of Chetan Bhagat nor think high of his writing abilities. Even then, I read the speech. There were few things in the speech that poked my brain. Some of them were
  • Nurturing and protecting the spark !
  • Life is like the nursery school run with a lemon in the spoon. No point coming first if the marble falls
  • Let Go !
  • Don't be Serious, be sincere !
Thought provoking and Inspirational!

If you haven't read it yet, you can do so here