Friday, December 28, 2007

Work Matrix ...

why, mr. Vijay, why? why, why do you do it? why, why get up? why keep meeting? do you believe you're meeting for something, for more than your appraisal? can you tell me what it is, do you even know? is it higher pay or promotion, perhaps learning - could it be for impression? illusions, mr. Vijay , vagaries of perception. temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an execution that is without meaning or purpose. and all of them as artificial as consulting itself. although, only the super boss could get something as stupid as this project. you must be able to see it, mr. Vijay you must know it by now! you can't win, it's pointless to keep meeting! why, mr. Vijay, why, why do you persist?

-agent Ramu

this is one of the mails a frustrated Ramu sent to his immediate boss. It has been inspired from the movie Matrix Revolutions

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