Monday, March 31, 2008

The Google story

Everyone knows Google today. Is it the company or the brand or the search engine. I feel there is no line between all these.

In the last decade Google came into prominence through its amazing search engine. As time moved on, Google hit the lime light again with their Advertising initiative. Even thought they have some 120 products under them, Search and Advertising are by-far the most important products Google has come up with. These two are making life tough for its competitors.

It is a company built on technology and strategy, both of them with equal proportions. Their attention to detail and clarity of purpose have resulted in they sweeping the market time and again. As per the CEO, Google has a vision in place, a vision which will take 300 yrs to materialise. The company is focused on "Ubiquity first, revenues later". Their programmers are told "Usefulness first, usability later". If this is the attitude of the company and if they Walk the Talk, there is no way on earth anyone can stop them.

Apparently, the company has a 80-20 rule, where-in the employees will perform their usual activities in 80% of their time and 20% of their time they need to work on new ideas or projects of their own liking. The seeds of innovation are sown here. Google News is one such by-product.

The company is doing good even though the competition is getting tougher day-by-day, but Google has occupied a very important place in the minds of the customer and it will take a herculean task for any company to replace that space.

Well, Google is here to stay !!!

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