Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Delhi !!

Yup... i am in Delhi now... after 2 wonderful months in Bangalore... i came to Delhi to start working after my MBA ... i am not of that types.. who keeps their fingers crossed, with butterflies in stomach before they embark on a new journey...

Well i knew that Delhi was hot... but i didn't expect wht i had to bear whn i landed at the IGI Airport... i boarded the flight in blore in the mornin of 9th June, the temp. read 22 C .. thanks to the showers the previous nite... i landed in Delhi.. and the thermometer was screamin at 49.5 C.. for someone who has spent their entire lifetime in Blore... 49.5C is like an oven... i felt i was fried... the hot blasts of air didn't ease the situation a bit.... i didnt know how i would survive in a place like this...

the newspapers next day made my life a bit bearable... as per them the previous day's temp. was the highest recorded in delhi in the past decade... it didn't mean nethin... but only respite was that i hav experienced the worst and whtevr will happen now will only be for the better...
did u call me an optimist?? ... well .. i dont hav ne options u c... :) ...

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